tried a boot disk?

At 08:05 PM 8/24/2000 -0700, Peter Hoff wrote:
>Hi all,
>1)  I downloaded the i386 version of binary-i386-1.iso
>     on a windows machine with a free, fast connection,
>2)  burned the image onto a cd,
>3)  and tried to use the cd to install debian 2.2 on my laptop.
>The problem is that my laptop (an "old" toshiba 440-cdt) doesn't
>boot the CD-rom, it just boots up the already-installed linux 2.1
>I have checked BIOS to make sure the cdrom is bootable, and my
>computer boots my old debian 2.1 cds just fine.
>I've looked at the contents of the burned CD: It seems readable,
>and there are lots of folders and directories on it, so I assume it
>got copied ok....
>Any ideas?
>Thanks much for any help
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