On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 08:38:00PM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote: :>>>>> "Spinfire" == Spinfire Magenta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: : :Spinfire> I'm not quite sure if this is an Exim issue or a MUA (Mutt) :Spinfire> issue, but... here goes: : :Spinfire> I have a machine that is both my workstation and the Mail :Spinfire> Exchanger for my domain (isomerica.net). Mail sent to :Spinfire> [EMAIL PROTECTED] works fine, however, mail sent from the :Spinfire> host is instead tagged with the full hostname (From: :Spinfire> [EMAIL PROTECTED]) instead of the preferred :Spinfire> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' form. : :Spinfire> Is this an Exim issue (i did use isomerica.net as the :Spinfire> 'outgoing mail name' during the Exim configuration) or if :Spinfire> this is a Mutt issue. : :It can be solved with Exim (look for "Address rewriting" in the docs) :but that is more like a work-around. Better tell Mutt to set the From :header correctly in the first place. Sorry, no Mutt experience here.
in my ~/.muttrc: my_hdr From: "Jonathan D. Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -Jon