I can't speak for groaster, but i've been using XCDRoast for a couple years now with complete success never a crash, and cdrecord never fails :)
nate "Greg Strockbine." wrote: > > I've been using linux less than a week. > Last night I wanted to burn a CD, I thought > a front end to cdrecord would be nice. > I went after groaster_0.20000513.2.deb, an > unstable package. > > everything was going cool till it got to > libgtkmm, it was listed on the dependency page, > but said it was not available. > > Is there a way around this or have I hit the > cutting edge here? > > Also, while installing I noticed it replaced libc6. > I had a funny feeling like I was back in DOS world, > where every app you install wants to overwrite a > common dll file. Is there a danger I can break > the system (running gnome)? > > this happened to me in FreeBSD 3.1 a few years ago. > All color photos I viewed in netscape came out > colorized. I put up with it for a long time, then > wiped the disk and installed Linux. > > - greg strockbine > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null -- ::: ICQ: 75132336 http://www.aphroland.org/ http://www.linuxpowered.net/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]