At 04:19 PM 8/22/2000 -0700, wrote:
>> a) change the colour depth. do i need to re-run XF86Setup? or is there a
>> better way?
>    $ startx -- -bpp <colordepth>
>...where color depth is 1, 8, 16, 24 (generally deprecated), 32.
>Or in /etc/X11/XF86Config, change the value of "Depth" under 'SubSection 

okies... thats what i wanted to know.... 

>> b) fix helix-gnome. I downloaded helix-gnome... on reboot i get the
>> gnome login manager but an attempt to login to gnome makes the monitor
>> go "clunk" and then returnms to the login manager... it will let me log
>> into WMaker so its not the end of the world.
>Launch X from the command prompt (startx) and look at your error output.

problem with the GDM starting itself up on boot... 

would "linux 3 " from lilo get me to a level i could then statx from?

>> c) sound.... i scavenged the sound card so make and model is a
>> mystery... the Rhat sndconfig always used to sort it out for me... will
>> alsaconf do the same?
>What were your RedHat configurations for this card?

i have no clue.. it did it for me and it worked.... a lesson learned perhaps...

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