On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 04:18:37PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 03:57:58PM +0200, Florian Friesdorf wrote:
> > 
> > Well, imho it makes no sense splitting of /usr/src.
> > Everthing in there is under package control.
> > 
> > /boot                        80MB
> > /                            60MB
> why do this?  just make / 60MB (or maybe 70/80) and lose the /boot
> partition, since / will fall completely under the 1024 cylindar mark
> there is no longer a point in a /boot partition.  80MB for /boot is
> rediculous anyway, unless you compile 10000 kernels or keep the source
> code in there...

Sorry typing error, I meant /boot 10MB.
I think you are right. It's just, I'm used to seperate /boot from /, so I can 
move around root, if neccessary.
But with the lba32 lilo-option, this isn't necessary anyway.

--> /                            70MB

> > I think it's better to not have /tmp on the same partition than /,
> > because / is static and /tmp is frequently written to.  If you don't
> > have enough space, I'd link /tmp to /var/tmp and create /var/tmp
> > with /var not mounted, so you also have a /tmp, in case /var isn't
> > mounted.
> or make /var/tmp a symlink to /tmp and make /tmp the seperate
> partition instead of /var/tmp.  almost nothing uses /var/tmp whereas
> almost everything uses /tmp so this would seem more logical IMO. 

I had in mind, using the /var partition also for temporary files, because it is 
nearly as often frequented as /tmp.
Having a seperate partition for /tmp and linking /var/tmp is definitely the 
better way, if you don't have to care about disc space.


     Florian Friesdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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