My recent Debian potato installed xfs-xtt as the font server. I also see
very similar font server pkg named xfstt. 
        Whats the difference and which is better? Just looking for some clues
before i
make the changes.
On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 22:11:05 -0500
> I've had good success after following the TT-Debian mini-HOWTO which
> demonstrates installing xfstt and a number of True-Type fonts.  NS
> will use them and I found it to make a tremendous difference.  Also,
> I've found that the latest builds of Mozilla use TT fonts even better
> than NS, so it really is a good solution.  There is another True Type
> font server that Potato wants to install that depends on the FreeType
> library.  My results weren't satisfactory so I went back to xfstt.

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