Dear On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 04:06:08PM +0200, Thorsten Jaecks wrote: > i am currently using debian 2.1 as a mail and www-server for my network at > home. > because i move from germany to france next week, i have to change from ISDN > to a MODEM-connection. > > can anybody tell me how to change things without destroying the existing > isdn-configuration > (for when i come back next year)? i also have to know which data to backup > for this...
Because ISDN connection and MODEM connection uses different programs (pppd and ipppd), you just need to set up your modem connection with: pppconfig and turn it on with: pon, to turn it off: poff. The only thing you should maybe change is to remove the isdnutils and isdn dialing from your standard run-level. You do it by using update-rc.d I think. There are also scripts in ip-up.d and ip-down.d in /etc/ppp. If some of them were important to you, you should change them to use ppp. But I think that would go automatically anyway. Sincerely, Marko Cehaja