Something VERY BAD has happened.  When I attempted to format the disk, with
mkfs.ext3, it reported that the partition table for that partition said 0
size, and I should reboot the computer to re-read the partion table.  When I
rebooted, instead of LILO, I saw an endless stream of "01 " repeating
without end!  I can boot into BIOS, and probably an emergency disk, but that
is all.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Brandmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 8:30 PM
Subject: Disk formatting

> When I installed Debian woody, I allocated only part of my available HD
> space to it, like this:
> hdb1: 512MB: /
> hdb2: 1GB: swap
> hdb3: 30GB: /usr
> free space: ~27GB
> Now, I found that /home has taken up almost all of /'s available space.
> So, I created a new logical partion from some free space, as /dev/hdb5
> (~2GB)
> My question is: How can I format the new partition as ext3, and move
> /home to it safely?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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