On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, John Pearson wrote:

> Two possibilities:
>  - php3 can be run either as an interpreter or as an Apache module,
>    and each has their own config file: /etc/php3/{cgi,apache}/php3.ini
>    Try checking the *other* config file, in case you are mistaken as to
>    which you are using.

I checked both files and put extensions in both!

>  - Potato's php3-pgsql is linked against libpq from Postgresql 6.5.3,
>    which may not be compatible with Postgresql 7.0.2; if you are
>    using the potato php3-pgsql, have you checked for success reports
>    with this combination from other users?

I'm grabbing the sources to recompile php3 with libpq from postgresql


Mario O.de Menezes            "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
    IPEN-CNEN/SP                 is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario                 Prov. 19.21

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