
use SVGA server and then use xf86config to configure X. Try the video
cards numbered 242 or 626.

For us it worked with the Diamon Speedstart A50 case (ie 242)
Best of luck

Suresh Kumar.R                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept of Electronics & Communication
College of Engineering, Trivandrum - 695 016

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Alex V. Toropov wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've change my video card from some kind of S3 to
> Sis6326. Now I've problem: Some portions of windows
> are "blacked" or "whited" out. Most offen in list of e-mails
> in Netscape or in text.
> I've tried both XF86_SVGA and XF86_SiS Xservers with the same
> result.
> I'm using wmaker window manager if it matter anything
> And would be thankfull for any sugestions.
> TIA Alex
> PS I've also Win98 installed on the smae comp and don't have any 
> problems with video under it.
> -- 
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