Hello I'm running diald on this DEbian box and got it to work quite well ,
but then after a bit more mucking around I managed to stop it working :/
Basically the PAP authentication doens' twork.

I get the followin....

ug 12 11:01:35 router chat[8281]:  -- got it 
Aug 12 11:01:35 router chat[8281]: send (\d)
Aug 12 11:01:36 router connect: Connected
Aug 12 11:01:36 router diald[8256]: Connected to site 
Aug 12 11:01:36 router diald[8256]: Running pppd (pid = 8283).
Aug 12 11:01:36 router diald[8283]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd
-defaultroute -detach modem crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 netmask noauth nopersist kdebug 7 name jayw 

So it doens't appear to "execute" the command, except display it...

I read somehwere that this is due to too many pp topns, but I curtrently
have none in the /etc/ppp/options file. It's beginning to eat into my
Saturday and it is annoying me.



 Name: Joseph Turner
*** Radio networking....there is no other way!*****

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