On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 04:44, Travis Crump wrote:
> bob parker wrote:
> > On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 05:48, Travis Crump wrote:
> >>bob parker wrote:
> >>>I'm in the middle of using ncftp to download Knoppix iso - 700meg.
> >>>
> >>>As a consequence Moz keeps timing out while I attempt to access other
> >>>site I regularly use.
> >>>
> >>>Is it possible to increase the time out delay in Mozilla? How?
> >>>
> >>>Thanks
> >>>
> >>>Bob
> >>
> >>It looks like you want to adjust the prefernces
> >>"network.http.request.timeout" and/or "network.http.connect.timeout".
> >>If you have a new enough version of mozilla(I am not sure exactly what
> >>is 'new' enough since I follow cvs and this is the first I've seen this
> >>feature), you can edit the values by going to the url "about:config" and
> >>scrolling down to the preference and right clicking the preference and
> >>choosing Modify.  The old standby is to add the preference to
> >>user.js(manually created in the same directory as prefs.js for your
> >>profile) in the form:
> >>user_pref("network.http.request.timeout", <time in seconds>);
> >>and then restart mozilla.
> >
> > Thanks for that. I'm using Moz 1.0 and
> > 1. There is a line '715 network.http.request.timeout   default  int 120'
> > in about:config, but right click does nothing in this version.
> > 2. I added the user-pref line to my user.js and restarted to no effect.
> >    ( I have other lines in user.js that also have no effect )
> >
> > So I guess the next question is what must I do to install a later
> > version?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bob
> I don't think you need a new version just for this.  I have no idea why
> it doesn't work, when you go into about:config after doing it does it
> say user set instead of default?  Also, network.http.connect.timeout
> might be more important?  If the pref doesn't claim to be user
> set/changed you could try adding the pref to /etc/mozilla/prefs.js which
> is the global equivalent of user.js.

Thanks Travis,

That latest did the trick. I'm unable to determine which timeout is more 
important because Murphy's Law being what it is, I've not had any more 
timeout problems over the last 8 hours. The ftp job ran at the same speed as 
before but maybe it was throttled at the server instead of at my isp.

In any case, now I know how to alter some of the other config issues that 
would not change using my prefs.js .


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