On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 08:13:13PM -0600, Adam Majer wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 04:17:14AM +0100, David Jardine wrote:
> > I've had trouble booting since I installed woody a couple 
> > of months or so ago (kernel 2.2.20 #1), but things have 
> > become so bad recently that I'm hoping I might get some 
> > help from you kind folks.  (I've found correspondence about 
> > such a problem in debian list archives, but no solution.)
> > 
> > The key symptom seems to be a line
> > 
> >     Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dynamic-link.h: 62: elf_get_dynamic_info: 
>Assertion '! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!
> Have you run a check of your filesystem? And what FS are you using?
> What do you get in dmesg output?

It's ext2 and I've run

        e2fsck -cfv /dev/hda2

on it.  I carelessly forgot to make a note of the corrections 
made by e2fsck (there was at least one), and I suppose I've 
deleted something.  

I've never found anything with dmesg that looks amiss, but the 
boot procedure regularly throws up

        Special (device/socket/fifo) inode 17601 has non-zero size

and insmod always complains of not being able to write to the  
/var/log/ksymoops directory because it's read-only, although 
that directory does get written to liberally every time.  I've 
tried repeatedly to understand what ksymoops is all about, but 
it's all above my head.  

Is there a way of checking that all the files that were 
installed with all the packages are still there?  Or is that a 
stupid question?

I'd be grateful for any help.


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