On 4 Aug 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:

pelleg >As I've reported in another post, my system is locking sometimes. I
pelleg >couldn't yet determine what is the problem, but something strange
pelleg >happened today:

i havent been following this thread but i'll see if i have any ideas.

pelleg >To see what could be the problem, I left the system with xmms running
pelleg >while I was out for 4 hours. When I came back, the keyboard was
pelleg >non-functionl, and nothing worked... Since it's a standalone box, I
pelleg >hadto reset it. I was sort of expecting this (I was actually trying to
pelleg >rule out some applications that could be locking the system)

best thing to rule out first is X windows, disable X from starting:

if you run X from a login screen like KDM/GDM/XDM remove the link:


and reboot the next time your system boots X will not load. you don't have
to reboot but its easier then tryin to explain how to track down the
processes and kill them the right way.

pelleg >But at startup, it now makes strange complaints, like:
pelleg >
pelleg >modprobe: can't locate module #
pelleg >modprobe: can't locate module are
pelleg >modprobe: can't locate module with

safe to ignore, that is the kernel module loader trying to find the

pelleg >But these are parts of commented lines in /etc/modules!!!

many times the kernel will try to load modules even if they are not in
/etc/modules again, its not a problem its just the system telling you it
can't load what it can't find, no harm done.  Either way the reports are

pelleg >What could be happening? (I mean, why would it just ignore the
pelleg >comments and treat them like listed modules to be loaded?)

I can't imagine a reason why it would, something else may be wrong, but
the end result is harmless.

pelleg >It happens no matter which kernel I boot.
pelleg >Anyway, since no modules were being loaded there, that wasn't much of
pelleg >a problem...

right :)

pelleg >
pelleg >But I did get also a "can't find modules.dep" mesage later (this is
pelleg >fixed already)
pelleg >

another relativly harmless message.

pelleg >I really don't understand what's going on... I suspected that my
pelleg >memory could be bad, but I've compiled lots of big packages (including
pelleg >several kernels, sometimes every two days), for months and never got a
pelleg >sig11. 

check the kernel log /var/log/kern.log  if the kernel encounters an error
it will be reported there, assuming it is not a serious hardware problem
which causes the machine to freeze before the kernel can report anything.

pelleg >I'm beginning to suspect this may be:
pelleg >
pelleg >- PS/2 mouse (these locks began to happen after I got a new mouse)

what brand/model of mouse? and what kind of mainboard? i had serious PS/2
trouble on an old AOpen AP5T-3, after a few months the PS/2 port worked
intermittantly(sp) maybe one out of 10 boots and even then would cause
random crashes, eventually i just moved to a serial mouse.(that
motherboard is still in service after 3 years it currently runs
mandrake7.0 and acts solely as a TV for my bedroom)

pelleg >- X 3.3.6  (no problems happened with X 4)
pelleg >- video card (SiS 6326 AGP)

what video mode are you running in? and are you using a framebuffer X
server? again i would reccomend not running X to see if X has something to
do with it, X can be a very good center place for lockups.

pelleg >This system (woody) worked fine for months... Could one single package
pelleg >that I've upgraded lock X? (well X itself was upgraded recently...)

if you run X, i would also suggest redirecting the output to a logfile,
when you login run:

startx >&X.log

all output will be saved to X.log, if there is a crash check it to see if
any helpful info is available.

pelleg >(It locked with kernels 2.4.0-test5, 2.2.16 and some other that I
pelleg >don't remember...)

please include full hardware specs (if you have already i missed em:( )

pelleg >Not that I didn't expect to have crashes running woody, but... Locks
pelleg >like this? Is this common?

it can be, i had a Abit BP6 (Dual celeron) and had similar problems for
over a year, it was a badly designed motherboard(wrong kind of voltage
regulator) i replaced it recently with a new asus board and no more
lockups.  Also a couple days ago i had a few system crashes due to my
7200RPM SCSI drives overheating, once i put fans on them (3 fans on each
drive) the crashes stopped completely.

pelleg >Next thing I'll do is to compile X 4.0.1 and see if the problem goes
pelleg >away. If it does, then (and I'd be surprised) it'd be an X-3.3.6
pelleg >problem... 

is it onboard video? if so do you have another video card to try? i
wouldnt reccomend going to XF86 4.0.1 if you can avoid it its likely to be
more buggy then XF86 3.3.6 for that video card(but i could be wrong)

pelleg >I have to confess I am confused...

i know how ya feel i spent 3 months troubleshooting the BP6!

hope this helps!

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