On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 10:48:32AM +0200, Philippe MICHEL wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Debian slink, and a standard modem/pppd connection to my
> provider. 
> Everything works well since years (I used the same config with Slakware)
> But how/where can I see with which speed the modem has been connected ??
> thanks,
> -- 
> - Philippe MICHEL

A very simple solution:

- put
  in your chat script (pppconfig do this for you, at least in potato).
  Take a look at your modem docs; maybe you need REPORT CARRIER instead.

- use the chat "-r" option to set the chat log file (p.e:
  /var/log/chat.log). In this file you get something like this:

chat:  Aug 04 13:12:20 CONNECT 9600
chat:  Aug 04 13:14:02 CONNECT 14400/REL-LAPM V.42 BIS
chat:  Aug 04 18:11:05 CONNECT 33600/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS

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