i am looking for a failsafe solution to save and restore my system. The sysem basically consists of a web server a samba server mail server and a database server. I am going to mount my htdocs dir on its own partition and all the web developers have local copies of everything so i can cut that out of what i ned to back up. I also want to be able to mirror my / on a second hard drive weekly in the event of hardive failure. is there anyway i can make a bottable cdrom weekly with the system archived on it... so when something goes wrong all i would have to do is boot from the cdrom and type a simple command and it would copy all the necasray files to the main hard drive. i can handle the shell scripting part and all i just need to know what system files i need to save and what comands i will need to use inorder to back everything up and restore it all. For instance the cdrom would contain a minimal install ofdebian or other small linux distro and a tar.gz file of my root dir maybe? any coments help or links to HOWTOs woould be appreciated.
-Jon p.s. i dont know why i would ever need to recover a crashed a linux system anyways ;). but my boss is still uneasy and safer is better than sorry.
begin:vcard n:Bardin;Jon x-mozilla-html:FALSE adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] note:www.gamesig.com -uniting the linux gaming community x-mozilla-cpt:;0 fn:Jon Bardin end:vcard