
 I do remember something about changes being made in ext2. (Would that
 be from the 2.0 to the 2.2 kernel series?)

 So, I'm running a woody system that was originally slink... I had
 slink installed, and then, instead of upgrading, I copied /, /usr,
 /var and /etc files from a friend's woody installation, and
 reconfigured all I needed. It's been perfect! But I suppose that the
 filesystem I'm using is the old ext2 (am I wrong?), even though I've
 been running only 2.2/2.3/2.4 kernels. 

 So, my questions are:

 - How can I really know if this is the case? (Is there a wy to
   inspect the filesystem format being used?)

 - Are there big or important differences between these two? (Is it
   worth trying to change it?)

 - And what woudl be the best wy to change? (I have free space in the
   hard disk)

Thanks a lot,

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

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