> Well, 'exceeding ugly' is quite a subjective statement so I can't be sure
> what you see.  Perhaps you are talking about the fact that we reverted back
> to the internal libfreetype used in OOo instead of the Debian version, due
> to many problems experienced by users?   This is documented in the
> changelog. 

...  maybe I exagerrate.  Would a screenshot help?  I guess the main
thing is, that I was disappoiinted to go back to ugly fonts after
having (somehow, in a way I don't remember) enabled quite nice-looking
fonts in OOo 1.0.1.  In the current setup, for instance, it's rather
difficult to tekll the difference between bold and normal faces, which
is fine in many instances, but not when I'm copyediting!

anyway, thanks for the hint, I'll probably justw ait around for your
fix and see if that helps things.  best,

> We are testing a fix to this problem so I hope to be able to re-enable the
> newer version again soon.

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