Curtis Vaughan said:
> Thanks for all your input. But my main question is really this.
> I understand that the SID samba has LDAP compiled into it.
> But I don't see anywhere where it says that LDAP is compiled into
> samba-tng.
> Can you confirm either or both of these 'rumors'?

if you get either samba from sid or samba-tng you will have to build
it from source.

that means neither come "with" anything. the LDAP portion is added in
when you compile it.

this is assuming your not running sid and using the samba from sid. if
you do run sid(which I reccomend against running the unstable distro
in a production enviornment unless its a last resort), then samba does
indeed come with LDAP support, or at least it depends upon LDAP
libraries according to the site.

in order to compile it you'll need all the dependencies including
the ldap development libs. if you plan to use LDAP/SSL on woody you'll
need to recompile OpenLDAP on woody to include SSL/TLS support as
well as install the dependencies for compiling that as well(Details
are again on my LDAP website).

samba-tng by default includes LDAP support I believe(LDAP is one of
the main priorities of the project).


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