Vera Friederichs wrote:
Ruediger Noack wrote:
sg                     24068   0  (autoclean)
sr_mod                 11832   0  (autoclean)
ide-scsi                7680   0
cdrom                  28960   0  (autoclean) [sr_mod]
scsi_mod               80600   3  (autoclean) [sg sr_mod ide-scsi]

I have tried a lot of combinations loading and removing the modules in different orders with modprobe and with "hdb=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi" and "hdb=scsi hdc=scsi". No success. In the end I have compiled a new kernel with scsi emulation and ... support (I forgot the exact name) compiled in.
Then it worked! But only for curiosity: Why didn't it work with the modules?

Sorry Vera, I don't know.
It works with all the modules I listed for me.

But - enjoy your configuaration. :-)

greetings from North Germany, from Luebeck


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