also sprach Rohan Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.02.01.1703 +0100]:
> I am not sure why you have lost faith in shell scripting, besides the
> language being horribly ugly, and useless for complicated development
> (which it is not meant, nor designed for, so fair enough:)), but perl is
> notoriously write only code as well.  But the other thing is that if you
> write a shell script for it, it will be very portable on unixy machines.

Right. But I gave up on it when I fough 30 minutes this morning on
reading in a file formatted like this:


with a while loop:

while read user filename; do
  echo "$user : $filename"
done < thefile

this is supposed to work, but for whetever reason, it didn't this
morning, and would put everything into $user and leave $filename
blank. of course I checked $IFS. of course i did everything to debug.
i couldn't find the solution. so i gave up.

> I have something similar that I whipped up, but in scheme, and in
> about the same amount of time as this message took to write.  Btw.
> Perl doesn't take that long to learn, and if you want a fun language
> to hack in python is a good choice.

i've learnt perl. it's just been too long and it would take me ages to
get back into it. i will, just not today.

and python: i am not going to use a language where the indentation of
a line is part of the syntax. i just won't.

Please do not CC me when replying to lists that I read!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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