Hi! IMHO, vmware is a rather large solution to just running windows - if you're looking for something commercial, you might take a look at win4lin (www.trelos.com). I have been using the eval version for about a week and I like it alot - it required a modified kernel, but once you get that done, it's amazing. It installs very quickly (windows media required, of course) and runs alot fo the windows applications (starcraft, word, IE, mIRC, ICQ, etc.) no sound support yet, no "real" networking support, no DirectX stuff (as you would expect). We compared side-by-side win4lin running word and win98 running word and win4lin was actually faster than the box running windows natively. I give it high recommendations. Of course, YMMV.
Michael Janssen (not associated with trelos) Message from Cc debian-user@lists.debian.org at 18/07/00 08:01:38PM: > In my opinion WINE isnt all its cracked up to be, but better than it has > been in the past. If you want to run windows apps in linux, install vmware > (www.vmware.com). It runs VERY fast depending on how much virtual ram you > can afford to allocate. I use 128mb for my virtual machines. Ive even had > execellent results with fullscreen windows media player under vmware. > > -Ethan > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Frank Copeland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: <debian-user@lists.debian.org> > Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 7:32 PM > Subject: Re: How stable is WINE? > > > > Cameron Matheson wrote: > > > > >I'm waiting for the new Debian to come out, and I need some information > > >about WINE. In Potato, how stable is WINE? > > > > In my experience the wine currently in potato is as stable as any version > of > > wine I've used, and better than most. However, it is classified as alpha > > software for a very good reason. It comes nowhere near running all windows > > software. Each monthly snapshot improves some aspects but often breaks > > something that worked previously; very much a two steps forward one step > > back process. > > > > >Does it run better than windoze? Also, What's the speed like, is it as > > >fast as the app would run in windoze? > > > > No and no. If it works at all with a given application then it works well > > enough, but you may have to work around an annoying bug or two (like > > shift-clicking the mouse occasionally freezing the app or even crashing > X). > > Speed is sufficient considering the source is full of debugging code and > not > > optimised in any way. > > > > If you are looking for a general replacement for windows that runs > whatever > > windows runs then expect to be disappointed. If you have a specific > > application you need to use then the only way to find out if it will run > > under wine is to try it. If you have trouble then ask for help on > > <news:comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine>. > > > > Frank > > > > > > -- > > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < > /dev/null > > > > > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null