"Joseph de los Santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm going out of my mind....
> when a user logs in a terminal this is what will happen:
>  -automatically starts x-window, all keybindings and or hotkeys will be
> disabled, run netscape and it can't be closed without asking for the user's
> password. Can a script be used for this? and anyone kind enough to show me?
> Also, Maybe this can be done by adding/modifying xmodmap in the user's
> .xinitrc? if so, how? any help with be greatly appreciated.

Dont' stick to the "Leave on password thing"; make different accounts
for the Kiosk- and normal users.
The people who told you about the loop already gave you the
solution for Kiosk mode users. The warnings about MIME (Java/
JavaScript/ Stylesheets) in Netscape are serious! 

If you want a more complicated and, as the whole thing runs as root,
different approach, see the Kiosk (or was it Kiosk-Mode?)-HOWTO with
detailled instructions. You will get the idea there. Another way: 

- run the loop as user
- set the kiosk user's shell not to a real shell
- don't use a window manager for the kiosk user
- Hotkeys and so on are usually disabled in XF86Config's server flag
section. Don't enable DontZap, you will never be happy
without because Netscape is _far_ from stable.
- use xdm and write the account name and password into its greeting
msg so that any anonymous user can restart Netscape on his/her own
- Write useful key combinations (CTRL ALT BS, ALT F7) onto the
- Secure the user Netscape's preferences and bookmarks (root.kiosk
640, YMMV)
- Don't forget to set up a part of the loop that removes all files
that don't belong to Netscape, and Netscape's lock file (see the Kiosk
- if you want them to be able to save pages to floppies, use autofs

The whole thing will _definitely_ compromize security.

> btw, what's the difference between keycodes and keysyms?

Can't help you in this respect.

Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from Bonn, Germany

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