On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 12:42:22PM -0800, nate wrote:
> Matt Price said:
> > hi there,
> >
> > can someone help me figure out what exactly initrd is, and why
> > kernels use it?  I have looked through the docs, and I understand that
> > it's thefile used for an initial ramdisk in some cases, but I don't
> > understand why it would be used in some cases and not in others.  So for
> > inst ance, the demudi kernel I just installed seems to demand the use of
> > initrd, and I take it GRUB needs an anitrd argument to load the kernel.
> > But why don't my own self-compiled kernels require an initrd argument at
> > boot (nor have an initrd file anywhere in /boot, as far as I can tell)?
> the initrd image usually holds a small basic set of drivers used to
> get the system to a basic working state(disk controllers, filesystem
> drivers, perhaps raid or LVM as well), so it can mount the root filesystem
> and access the 'rest' of the drivers.
> I haven't looked into it much but I think it's primarily used so that
> you can still use modules in the kernel, having everything built into
> the kernel doesn't always work(some drivers may conflict, or may require
> certain options to be passed to them to work). If you build your own
> kernel for your own hardware, which it seems that you do(I do too) you
> probably don't need initrd(I don't use it myself), since you can just build
> your drivers directly into the kernel.

Even then it may be needed.  Let's pretend you want your root
filesystem on an LVM partition which in turn rests on a software RAID

1) The kernel boots.

2) RAID is built in, so the md devices autostart.  Cool.

3) You activate the LVM groups.  Oh wait, you need to mount /proc
first.  Where are you going to mount it?  Uh ...

In this scenario you must have an initrd to provide a small root fs on
a ramdisk.  vgchange and vgscan (+ libraries) must be included.  Now
step three goes like this:

3) mount initrd, mount /proc

4) Run vgscan

5) run vgchange to activate volume groups.

6) mount root filesystem using pivot_root.

7) continue the boot process ...


Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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