At 11:31 AM 06/27/2000 +0200, you wrote:

just do a httpd -v for getting the version.

If u are using 2.0 tomcat will not work there.
U need 1.3.X (better 1.3.12)

Let me know if u wanna a pre-compiled version.

-- yes please.

I have 1.3.3 and 1.3.13 (from apache)

I wanted to remove the Debian one, to use the newer one I installed manually, but a lot of utilities depend on it (dwww, ...). So, I run the debian one.

How to best upgrade and still stay within the Debian structure?



At 13.07 26/6/00 -0500, you wrote:
I installed apache via apt-get, and trying to use it with mod_jserv.o from tomcat gives an error:

Cannot load mod_jserrv.o into server,
 Error: file's Phentsize is not the expected.

Debian Apache seems bto be 1.3.

Any way to tell what options it was made with?

Any ideas on the incompatibility?

Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (515)472-1125    Fax: -1103
       Computer Science Department
       College of Science and Technology
       Maharishi University of Management
      (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

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