I've just updated my system to the current frozen, and included in this update was the installation of netscape 4.73.
When I now run netscape, it bombs out, complaining of: $ netscape /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: syntax error near unexpected token `(c' /usr/bin/X11/netscape: line 277: ` for f in (cd $d;ls -1 . | sort); do' Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone else know the fix? Thanks, Mark. P.S. Please cc a copy of any reply directly to me as I currently read the list only via the archives --- and I can't even do that now that netscape is not working. -- _/~~~~~~~~\___/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ ____/~~\_____/~~\__/~~\__________________________Mark_Phillips____________ ____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ____/~~\HE___/~~\__/~~\APTAIN_____________________________________________ ____/~~\______/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!"