I do have it installed, but at boot still reports not found, and a locate
does not find it.
I am running Debian 2.1r4, but it reports 2.0.36, so perhaps I need a newer
[how to get it?]
I am surprised that if lspci is needed at boot, the kernel (or system) does
not have it, how did I get such an inconsistent configuration?
Thanks for the help, I find that the many steps to get a new install to
just work with "little" issues like this is a major source of time spent on
Debian for me. Most all of them end up being configuration /version
problems. This is a clean install, by the book, but it fails for a missing
component, which requires a newer kernel, thus source and make, and ...
At 11:43 PM 06/21/2000 -0400, Alec Smith wrote:
I believe the lspci utility is included in a .deb called pciutils in
Debian. Also, be sure to use a fairly recent kernel. There's been a lot of
work done on Tulip since the 2.0.x/early 2.2.x days.
On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
> I want to use a DLINK DFE530CT pci ethernet card, and some references say
> it uses the de4x5, or tulip drivers,
> but when I try to use them, I get
> "init_module: device or resource busy"
> I also get prior to that, when starting to load modules, and evaluation
> module dependencies,
> "lspci not found".
> Help please.. :-)
Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125 Fax: -1103