Paulo J. da Silva e Silva hat gesagt: // Paulo J. da Silva e Silva wrote:

> Hey, could anyone explain (or point me to an explanation) what is  the main
> diference between ALSA and OSS sound drivers?

ALSA is the linux audio professional's choice.

OK, seriously: ALSA is much more than just a driver for your soundcard. It
is an development architecture (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) with
these goals:

   1.Create a fully modularized sound driver which supports kerneld and kmod. 
   2.Create the ALSA Kernel API which surpasses the current OSS API. 
   3.Maintain compatibility with most OSS/Lite binaries. 
   4.Create the ALSA Library (C, C++), which simplifies ALSA application 
   5.Create the ALSA Manager, an interactive configuration program for the 

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 Frank Barknecht       ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
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