Interesting. I usually see more errors under Windows with overclocking
than I do linux. FE: system I'm rebuilding right now, AMD K6/450 with
100MHz bus. If I clock to 105MHz windows dies with VMM loading explorer.
Linux has yet to see a problem.

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Colin Watson wrote:

> G0DModE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >1) When I have installed my debian (2.1r2) and reboot the computer,
> >system load Linux in half -> error: Kernel panic blablaabla,  inode
> >table have corrupted...
> >I need to say that in the first problem my CPU was overcloked to 366 (I
> >now that tiz is not much ;> ), so I thought that this might be fault of
> >my mother board or cpu that debian is makeing errors. Then I start
> >win`98 to find out, if my fathers files didn`t corrupted too, but win
> >was working good. I don`t have any ideas what is wrong with my Debian.
> Linux makes more intensive use of the processor than Windows, in
> general, so it's likely to show up errors you might not encounter in
> Windows. Try clocking it back to its normal speed and see if that helps.
> -- 
> Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
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