On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 11:20:20PM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> After rebooting, I found unfixable errors on a FAT partition, but no
> problems with the e2fs ones.  However, now certain functions don't
> work correctly.  Notably:
>       -innxmit can't connect to innd, although innd is running
>       -fetchmail can connect to external POP servers, but after
>        downloading a few bytes, it freezes and eventually times
>        out
>       -Local browsers can't connect to my local web proxy 
>        (wwwoffle)
> Oddly, although telnet (ssh) to a particular machine works,
> connections to that same machine with fetchmail fail.
> What could cause this?

One thing to check: is the loopback interface configured? /sbin/ifconfig
should show an entry for "lo", the Local Loopback with address Since you seem to be able to connect fine remotely but not to
the local host, this is a good thing to check.

There was a problem a while back with netbase in potato/woody creating a
/etc/network/interfaces file with the localhost line commented out (i
don't know if that has been fixed yet), you may want to look into that.

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