* Sven Burgener in "Re: folders and mutt" dated 2000/06/19 20:33 wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 11:25:43PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> > Put all your mail somewhere like a ~/mail directory; then tell
> > procmail (or an exim filter) to put inbox mail in ~/mail/inbox, and
> > your other folders are stored as files in ~/mail. You can subdivide
> > folders into groups by using subdirectories.
> Done so. I also added the following to my .procmailrc:
> DEFAULT=$HOME/Mail/mbox
> Now, as mutt reads $MAIL by default, I would like to know how to
> change this behaviour.

* man 5 muttrc
| spoolfile
|      Type: path
|      Default: ""
|      If your spool mailbox is  in  a  non-default  place where Mutt
|      cannot find it, you can specify its location with this variable. 
|      Mutt will automatically set this variable to the value of the
|      environment variable MAIL if it is not set.

> > 'c' in mutt changes from one folder to another. Have a look at the
> > 'mailboxes' .muttrc command to designate several folders as ones in
> > which you expect to receive incoming mail, then hitting 'c' will
> > select the next folder with new mail by default.
> For this, I have the following in my .muttrc:
> mailboxes $HOME/Mail/mbox
> mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-user
> mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-isp
> mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-firewall
> mailboxes $HOME/Mail/debian-user-de

You can also specify this in your .muttrc:
set folder=~/Mail
mailboxes ! +mbox +debian-user +debian-isp +debian-etc ...

> Funnily tho, when hitting <TAB>, I get a "listing" of the _directory_ 
> ~/Mail. This way I also see my procmail logfile which I don't want to 
> see when I browse through my mails; besides I didn't add it to my
> mailboxes in .muttrc... Isn't this weird or am I just doing something
> fundamentally wrong here? :)

You can save your procmail logfile into a .procmail directory off your


You can also do this little trick in your .procmailrc:


* ^X-Loop: debian-\/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

To automatically split any [EMAIL PROTECTED] emails to

Procmail has a lot of flexibility and if you want I'll send you my
procmail rules which do neat things like eliminating duplicate messages
based on Message-ID headers and fix archaic PGP message formats
(---BEGIN PGP MESSAGE--- ... ---END ...---)

> I get to like mutt more and more every day.

Me too.

Ashley Clark

GCS/M d- s:-- a-- C++$ UL++++$ P+>+++ L+++ E W++ N+ o K++ w O M V--
PS+(++) PE(++) Y+ PGP++(+++) t* 5+ X+ R* tv b+ DI++ D G e* h* r++ y+

finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for GPG public key            http://ghoti.org/

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