Well for starters I never had any luck with Redhat.  It wouldn't see my
CD-ROM drive no matter which of the three I used.  If you are trying to
install Corel Linux the dual boot (on my machine) occurs when you start the
system in "Expert" mode.  If you just boot it up normally dual boot won't
occur, the splash screen won't go away.  And X-Windows won't load if you
have the wrong settings mainly for the video card, and only a handful are
supported, mostly cards with S3 video chips (i.e Diamond Stealth, etc)

-----Original Message-----
From: Des Beaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian User List <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Saturday, June 17, 2000 1:14 AM

>I want to install debian on my pc and have it as a dual boot system.
>Last time I tried it I couldnt get the dual boot to work and I also couldnt
>get x-windows to load.
>Could someone please help me with some instructions so I dont have to
>my hard-drive again.
>I have a p133+ with 48mb ram, and a 4.2gb hdd (2.1 windows, 2.1 linux)
>My monitor is a 14" KTX Topscan. I used to use redhat 5.2 and I did have
>major trouble trying to configure it to use my monitor properly with
>any help will be appreciated..
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