Hello Everybody,

I have put some things in a file .Xdefaults. I know that in order to make
these settings active I have to do
"xrdb .Xdefaults". This is no problem. The problem is that I want this
command to be executed automatically 
when I login in a gnome session.

Therefore I have created the file .xsession as follows (PS: I use gdm):

xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults
exec gnome-session

This does not seem to work.

Also, I have tried to put the "xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults" line into the
.bash-profile (or .bashrc) file.
Now I first have to start a terminal window in order to activate the
settings in .Xdefaults.

My question is, where do I have to put "xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults" in order to
have this executed when I log in a gnome session ?


Stefan Goeman.

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