Curtis Vaughan said:
> As far as I understand, once I've set up 2 networks with a VPN, there  are
> no firewalls between them.  Is this right?
> The reason I ask is because I have 2 networks VPNed. I can gain access  to
> their computers, but when I try to gain access to a specific
> computer over port 3050, there is no access. nmap confirms that this  port
> is closed on that computer.  However, people on that network  insist that
> the port is open.

you can still have a firewall between vpn connections. the firewall can
exist on the machine that has the vpn link itself, or on a seperate machine
perhaps in bridged mode monitoring the traffic.

as for that specific system, are you able to access any of the other
ports? is it reachable at all?

what kind of vpn setup are you using?


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