Carl Fink wrote:
> It should, I grant you, but have you tried "dpkg -S"?

here's a nasty one:

> expectk
bash: expectk: command not found
root> dpkg -S expectk
dpkg: *expectk* not found.

web page shows:

root> apt-get install expect
[candidates : 5.24, 5.31]

root> apt-get install expect5.24
root> expectk
bash: expectk: command not found

root> apt-get install expect5.31
root> expectk
bash: expectk: command not found

root> updatedb
root> locate expectk

root> ls -ald /var/cache/apt/achives
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 Jun  8 20:46
/var/cache/apt/archives -> /usr/archives

root> apt-get install expectk5.31
root> which expectk



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