Lloyd Zusman wrote:

>"Jaldhar H. Vyas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Pigeon wrote:
>>> OK, Just to make things more complicated British money changed

>> Some more wacky fun facts about British money.

>> [ ... ]
>Here's some more:

<and so on>

What a wonderful, whacky thread.  These occasional meanderings bring a
smile as I scroll through the 100-200 postings on this list each day.

I am reminded of some other lists in which the OT post causes some
self-proclaimed arbiter of protocol to loudly berate the poor schlemiel
who dared sully the purity of The Topic.  Oddly enough, though, top
posting, starting new threads (not forks) by "reply" rather than "new",
and even HTML are tolerated.  I wonder if the high percentage of MS
users is a factor?

Ah, well.  Thanks for the fun and the edification.
gt                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If someone tells you---
 "I have a sense of humor, but that's not funny." 
                                  ---they don't.

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