Please, please help me.

Sometime, overnight my work computer seized up.  When I got to work, I
had a blank screen and nothing would change it.  So I stopped and
started the computer, and when it came back up I got the usual fsck for
an uncleanly umounted file system.  I was required to give the root
password and run e2fsck manually, which I did.  I usually just respond
"yes" to all the fixes.  That's probably not advisable, but I'm the only
user, so I'm only hurting myself.  Anyway, among the corrupted files
were apparently /etc/fstab, /etc/passwd, and /etc/shadow, becuase when I
tried to reboot my computer, those files were missing.  I was able to
rebuild fstab by booting up with a rescue floppy.  The only thing I
could think to do to replace /etc/password and /etc/shadow was to copy
the files from my home computer which has the exact same users and the
exact same directory structure, but that did not work.  When I boot up,
everything appears fine but I can't login.  No matter what I try, it
says the login is incorrect.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

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