Only an idea:

this message comes from the files /etc/init.d/kdm or /etc/init.d/xdm
(grep "unable to check" /etc/init.d/*)

> if [ -x /usr/sbin/parse-xf86config ]; then
>          if parse-xf86config --quiet --nowarning --noadvisory 
> /etc/X11/XF86Config; then
>            problem=
>          else
>            echo "error in configuration file."
>          fi
> else
>          echo "unable to check."
> fi

May be your parse-xf86config has disappeared... :)
Check if there is one such file in /usr/sbin.
If not, that is your problem.

Peter Mickle wrote:
> I have recently upgraded to potato, and after doing so, I can no
> longer open an X session, either from xdm or from startx. The version
> is 3.3.6-6.
> At boot time, the last two lines of the messages generated
> by the boot process are:
> "Checking for valid XFree86 Server configuration...unable to check
> Not starting X display manager"
> If I try to start with "startx", I get the following message:
> XSession: unable to start X sessions: no /path/.xsession found, no
> window managers, and no terminal emulators found.
> I have rerun xf86config. I have looked over all the related problems
> which have shown up on this list over the last week or so, and none of
> the fixes to other problems work for me.
> I'm lost or stuck, and I need X for my work, so any help will be
> appreciated. Thanks,
> Peter
> Peter Mickle
> --
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