Andrew McRobert wrote:
> hi
> ...pls excuse the dumb-ness of this qstn, but how do I tell if I'm running
> php3-apache OR php3-cgi? does the former run automatically when apache runs?
> (provided there's a valid php3.ini file). If so, then how does php3-cgi run?

php3-cgi runs like any other cgi script.  Apache hands the php3 file to
php3 and return the output to the HTTP client.  Of course, this only
works, if Apache knows what to do with an php3 file, which it finds out
by looking into httpd.conf (or was it srm.conf?).  As of finding out,
which *is* actually running ...  Dunno.  Maybe the Apache logs can help?

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
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