Hi !

I got the job to write a script or program for monitoring the sum of 
downloaded amount of data through our leased line. There's a very 
good tool for this the ipacsum. It has the starttime and endtime 
options but it lacks the web interface. Or not ? Anybody knows 
about or written a script to display the sum of logs depend on the 
start and endtime ? The situation is that our boss wants to 
examine the generalized traffic on the network from his web 
browser. And I ought to write a script to display this on a web 
interface. So, is there a yet written web interface for ipacsum like 
mtr has ? If not what to do ? I just started to study Perl so I'm not 
an expert guy about it. My problems are: the authentication (not so 
important right now), how to pass the given parameters from the 
browser to the ipacsum on the server and howto write back the 
data onto the browser (if I redirect the output to a file and write the 
lines back onto a generalized page using print function until EOF 
works?) Thanks in advance,

"If you love somebody set them free..."
Sting is GPL fan :-)
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