> >HFTFMADBUFE, the linux motto, is an acronym for 'hunt for the %#@
> [snip]
> Sorry, but what on earth is "HFTFMADBUFE"? Couldn't find it in the
> Jargon file.
well, i have the impression, that it is "decrypted" on the same line. ;-)

however, this attack against debian (or linux or even *nix as a whole) was
a bit of the mark. nobody said, it that there must be so many places for
documentation - it simply has "grown" historically into this situation.
and even that is not that bad. man, info and /usr/doc are the main sources
- it could be *much* worse. possibly the initial /etc/motd should
say (well, not literally ;-): 
"have a look at /usr/man, /usr/info and /usr/doc to get started. [...]"

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

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