On Thu, 18 May 2000, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the best the best way to avoid having ot reset my terminal
> variable everytime I telnet to a site that does not know what
> xterm-debian is?  Since this happens quite often it is getting a
> little tedious.

Make a script.  For example I use the following:


## Only the last part of the options, the host
TELNETHOST=$(echo "$ALLARGS" | sed -e 
## The machine name (no domain):
SHORTHOST=$(echo $TELNETHOST | sed -e "s/\..*$//")

exec rxvt -bg Black -fg White -cr Red -font fixed \
  -name remotexterm -T "Telnet: $TELNETHOST" -n "$SHORTHOST" \
  -e sh -c "export TERM=vt100; telnet $ALLARGS"
You use it like telnet.  This is bind to menu entries on my system, so
it opens a new window (with a red cursor to indicate telnet is
fundamentally unsecure).


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