On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 10:22:56AM -0400, Jacob I. Stowell wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new at this, so this may be a simple question.  I recently
> installed potato on my home computer, and have sound working.  However I
> am only able to listen to cds when I am logged in as root.  When I try
> to listen as user, I get a message that says I cannot access the cdrom
> because permission is denied.  I am not sure how to set the permissions
> so that I have access to the cdrom as user. I was hoping that someone
> could help me out with this.  
> Thank you,
> -jake

add your normal user account to the cdrom group like this:

adduser jake cdrom

then logout and relogin.  you will now have permission to the cdrom

you may have to add yourself to the audio group as well, be more
cautious about adding others to this group however, as members of the
audio group may use the microphone attached to your computer to
eavesdrop on you!  (even from remote logins through ssh or telnet)

cdrom group is pretty safe unless you ever put private CDs in your cd

Ethan Benson

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