On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 12:09:18PM +0100, Oliver Hingst wrote: > Hello, > I am trying to compile a C++ program, which will be at some point a > Reverse Polish Notation program. I am trying to use a function called > getche() . Therefore, from what I have read, I need to > > #include <conio.h>
That's a DOS/Windows specific header. > The problem is on my Potato system, this file is missing even though, I > have installed all the C/C++ Development headers. Where is this file > and why does it seem included in Micro$ofts Visual Studio ? The semi-equivalent system under Unix would be [n]curses. There's probably little chance of getting that program to run under Linux without some serious rewriting on your part. I'd suggest trying to find an alternative program, perhaps one that doesn't rely on operating system specific libraries. -- ¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·characterset·when·compos » ing·email·messages.