On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:29:11AM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
> At 02:33 AM 05/18/2000 -0600, Dave Thayer wrote:
> >I think that the package you're looking for is dwww. It needs an httpd
> >installed (boa is nice and lightweight), but it is well worth it.
> Dave, thanks a lot.
> I want to try it, but apt-get wants to re-install an entire server and 
> tools for me, I have a stable apache+jserv, and don't want to install 
> another http server.
> Any way to convince apt to just get the add-on tool?
> Greg
> --------------------------
> alpha{root}.1: apt-get install dwww
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The following extra packages will be installed:
>    ncsa apache-ssl apache-common roxen-pike apache roxen boa cern-httpd 
> ssleay dhttpd
>    libssl09

YOW! I bet you rolled your own apache rather than installing one from a 
deb package and this is apt's way of telling you that it wants something
that provides an httpd: by trying to install all of 'em. If this is the 
case, have a look at the equivs package. It allows you to install a fake
package which can meet other packages' dependencies. 

BTW, I installed dhelp from potato, and it also provides an info browser 
function. It still needs an httpd, though.

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

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