> First of all I would like to say your kernel is
> qoute ols, my
> suggestion: compile a new one!

I will take that under advisement. I don't normally
like to reinvent the weel just to get a new hubcap
though .

I know a little dramatic, but if it ain't broke, why
fix it? Is there something wrong with the 2.0.36
kernel that I should know about?

> Second (more towards your problem) is why you can't
> open more than 1
> x11amp application, my guess is that when you open
> one, it takes your
> soundcard (simply because it needs it to
> function...), when you open a
> seconds (by the way: Why do you want to???!)

The reason I discovered this problem is not because I
wanted to run more than a single instance of the same
program, but because I was trying to run other
programs (gmc, gnome-napster) that wanted to use it
concurently and could not, even though I wasn't using
the sound when running them. Moreover, I found that
once I had started one of these other programs, I was
unable to run x11amp after they had run, or if I had
shut down x11amp, ran the other program and then tried
to restart x11amp, it wouldn't run.

a bit more to the
> point: Your soundcard can't
> be shared OR linux can't share your soundcard.

One device per program? No time sharing? That's a
little neolithic, don't you think? Am I missing
something here? 

Oswald mentioned that the xmms program might work
better. Does anyone know if x11amp is still being

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