Hi, I've been fighting with mailagent to get it configured. I follow the clear instructions in the man-page, and get on to testing.
Having set up my .forward as told, I get this sort of entry in the file which takes "error" output from the filter (~/.bak in the setup) 00/05/17 17:22:49 filter[6363]: reading mail 00/05/17 17:22:49 filter[6363]: got mail (875 bytes) 00/05/17 17:30:12 filter[6393]: reading mail 00/05/17 17:30:12 filter[6393]: got mail (875 bytes) 00/05/17 17:30:14 filter[6396]: reading mail 00/05/17 17:30:14 filter[6396]: got mail (1545 bytes) and I get no trace of anything in the logfile, even with verboseness set to 20. Even more worryingly, I can't find the mails that have been "read" anywhere. Another possible symptom - If I run mailagent with -f and point it to my unix mail directory, I get "insecure configuration" and what looks like a hang. All suggestions gatefully received, Tony