You are probably missing the php3-mysql package.  I
had similar problems with getting imap to work until I
installed the php3-imap package.  Give that a shot


--- Oliver Hingst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> I am using Debian "Potato" and I use Apache, PHP3
> and every modules
> containing "php3" and "mysql" and MySQL server and
> client.
> I am going through a tutorial on DevShed
> ( on
> creating a web database.  I have checked that PHP3
> has been installed
> and runs properly.  No problems there.  I checked
> the MySQL
> configuration and set-up the relevant users and
> permissions.  No
> problems there, either.  I then had a look at my
> httpd.conf file, to see
> what modules were being loaded.  I saw that the
> and a
> are uncommented.  I then wrote
> this PHP3 script:
> <html>
>  <head><title>Web Database Sample Index</title>
>  </head> 
>    <body bgcolor=#ffffff>
>    <h1>Data from mytable</h1>
>    <?
>      mysql_connect("localhost", "webuser", "");
>      $query = "SELECT name, phone FROM mytable";
>      $result = mysql_db_query("example", $query); 
>      if ($result) {
>        echo "Found these entries in the
> database:<ul>";
>        while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
>              $name = $r["name"];
>              $phone = $r["phone"];
>              echo "<li>$name, $phone";
>              }
>                echo "</ul>";
>              } else {
>                echo "No data.";
>       }
>        mysql_free_result($result);
>    ?>
>  <p><a href="add.php3">Add new entry</a>
> </body>
> </html>
> Running this script gives me this error:
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined
> function mysql_connect()
> in /var/www/example/index.php3 on line 8
> What am I missing ?
> Oliver
> -- 
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