Heather wrote:
> ...or whichever.  That is, if you insist on using the SVGA builtin instead
> of XF86_S3 or _S3V as applicable.


I have a S3 Virge/MX chipset in my system, so I happened to read through
the XFree site about that recently.  In the section on the 3.3.6 server,
on page: http://www.XFree.org/3.3.6/S3V1.html#1
they say this:
"1. Supported hardware

Since release 3.3.2 of XFree86, there are now two servers which support
the ViRGE family of chips. The XF86_S3V server is a dedicated server
which supports the S3 ViRGE (86C325), the ViRGE/DX (86C375), ViRGE/GX
(86C385) and the ViRGE/VX (86C988) chips. Use of that server is no
longer recommended. It is not actively being supported anymore.

The above ViRGE chipsets are supported in the XF86_SVGA server, which
includes a new ViRGE driver making use of the XAA acceleration
architecture and also supports ViRGE/GX2 (86C357), ViRGE/MX (86C260),
Trio3D (86C365), Trio3D/2X (86C362), Savage3D (86C391), Savage4
(86C396/86C397) and Savage2000 chips as of 3.3.6."

On that basis, it seems the XF86_SVGA server is the right one for the
Savage chips, and it looks as though the XF86_S3V server is obsolete.


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