At 01:38 PM 5/10/2000 +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
... you need to configure your network if you haven't already done so ... the files you need to edit are:
/etc/init.d/network & /etc/hostname

I thought that was all done during the initial install, anyway:

/etc/init.d/network - eth0 - unknown interface......

/etc/hostname - is set correctly (no domain).

I also find that sometimes my PCMCIA card isn't detected @ startup (and therefore no indication of network connectivity on card). I find that taking out the card & reinserting it after you've logged in usually fixes the problem .... I'm sure there's a better way but this works for me.

I didn't think PCMCIA was supposed to be hot-insertable?

Kevin Smith             
TNT/APX Engineering     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
Lucent Technologies     pager: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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